Resultados desde Londres

A continuación transcribo los resultados de la gala muay thai celebrada en Londres el pasado 7 de Febrero, la pelea principal fue entre el fuerte luchador inglés Liam Harrison y el recien proclamado luchador del año en Tailandia Sanchai. Cabe destacar también la participación española con Jonathan Fabian, Antonio Rodriguez y Sarai Medina.

Harry Richardson vs Keiran McAskill - Richardson points
Philip Tien vs Chris Bray - Bray points
Lee Taylor vs Ritchie Green- Green stopped Taylor with a knee I think.
Mark Little vs Ian Taverner - Little points
Danny Taylor vs Jonathan Fabian - Taylor wins points but I thought Fabian put on a great show and, personally, thought he edged it - just my opinion though.
Stuart Kemp vs Ian Goldie - Kemp stops Goldie
Mati Parks v Paul Kelly - Kelly stops Parks (elbow if memory serves)
Olly Watson vs Steven Jones - Jones wins on points
Greg Walton vs Troy Roe - Walton wins after Dr stopped it, Roe looking unsteady on his feet.
Dean James vs Antonio Rodriguez - James wins points
Dave Fenson vs Nate Smandych - Fenson wins on points with deserved win but credit to Nate for carrying on after taking an elbow which opened up a good cut.
Ruth Ashdown vs Sarai Medina - Ruth wins on points with a good performance, just kept stalking the Sarai. The spanish girl was here to fight though and was tough
Michael Wakeling vs Alex Galavotti - Good win on points for Michael, looked really strong.
Chris Knowles vs Daniel Sam - Sam wins on pts but Knowlsey just kept coming, despite some big shots.
Sheree Halliday vs Sandra Bastian - Bastian wins as ref stops its.
Damien Trainor vs Andy Howson - both great skills, had to be a winner though and Andy just looked unstoppable.
Rob Storey vs Mariusz Cieslinksi - Storey takes points win
Liam Harrison vs Sanchai - Sanchai win on points but Liam took him all the way.

Liam haciendo de Sanchai, jeje.

resultados vía Picias


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